Wednesday 10 April 2013

Assignment #3 Coursework Research

Go to this awesome blog of A Level success stories. STUDENTARTGUIDE
Browse through all the fantastic work and choose your favourite example of coursework.
Be ready to present it on Monday and discuss why you think your choice is so awesome.

Assignment #2 MYE 2013 PRACTICE ONE

Answer THREE questions (out of 4)

Section A: Structured Questions

1. Self Portrait  by Gustav Courbet, 1844, Oil on Canvas [Figure 1]
a. Describe the character of the artist from his self portrait.
b. How does the artist use light and value in this painting?
c. In what ways could a photograph be more effective than an oil painting like this?

2.  Memory by Eng Hwee Chu, 1994, Oil on Canvs [Figure 2]
a. Describe the subject matter of this painting.
b. How does the painting discuss the theme of culture?
c. Describe the use of colour and space in this work.   

Section B: Structured Comparison Questions                                              

3. Indian Women by unknown, Oil on Canvas [Figure 3a]
Sansui Women by Chua Mia Tee, 1977, Oil on Canvas [Figure 3b]
a. Describe how the people, activities and environment are depicted in these two paintings.
b. Compare how the artists use light and colour in these two paintings.
c. Based on how the people in the two paintings are portrayed, discuss the artist's comment on women.

4. Buffaloes from Field to Town by Montein Boonma, 1988, Assemblage (rice sacks, unhusked rice, buffalo horn, stools) [Figure 4a]
Beansprout Series #2 by Han Sai Por, 1994, Oil on Canvas [Figure 4b]
a. Compare the different treatment of form and use of materials in these works.
b. Why have both of these artists used simplified and /or abstract forms to express their ideas?
c. Assess how and why you think one sculpture is more effective.


Figure 1  Self Portrait, Gustav Courbet
 Figure 2  Memory, Eng Hwee Chu

Figure 3a  Indian Women, Unknown
Figure 3b  Sansui Women, Chua Mia Tee

Figure 4a  Buffaloes from Field to Town, Montien Boonma

Figure 4b  Beansprout Series #2 Hai San Por